Now that summer's kicked into high gear, your skin is probably darker than normal, maybe even just an incidental tan. Hopefully it's less than certain Mid-Atlantic youth of Italian extraction. Regardless, researchers at Penn State have actually come up with a new theory as to why our skin tans in the first place.
Read on to see what they found...
This past April, Penn Stater magazine editor Tina Hay rented a helicopter from Cherokee Helicopter in Ford City, Penn. She brought Penn State Live photographer Andy Colwell along with her in a flight above Penn State’s University Park campus. Rather than pursue my dream of performing helicopter wheelies, she chose a more practical mission of capturing beautiful aerial shots of the campus for alumni to enjoy.
Read on to see more of their shots...
It seems like every time we turn on SportsCenter, they're reporting about another school committing some sort of NCAA violation. Several major college athletics programs have been hit with sanctions by the NCAA, but over the years Penn State athletics has stay free of scandal involving violations of NCAA policies. One of the big reasons for that is Penn State President Graham Spanier's commitment to running a clean athletic department. In an interview with, he discussed how he goes about keeping Penn State athletics an example for other schools in how their departments should be run.
Read on to find out how he does it...
Penn State's Catholic Campus Ministry is seeking $6.5 million worth of funds to construct a 22,000-square-foot Student Faith Center. The campaign started as a quiet phase in 2007, but has been recently been open for public support. The Center will include a library, game room, chapel, study, and residential space to house Benedictine monks.
Read on to find out where the center will be located and how you can help out.
With one very successful year under his belt, Penn State wrestling coach Cael Sanderson and Lions wrestling team will be looking to build upon that success this upcoming winter. He now knows the competition standing in the team's way as the 2010-2011 schedule was released last week.
Read on to see who the Nittany Lions will face...
U.S. News & World Report is one the foremost authorities on college rankings, which most of you probably have an old, thumbed-through edition from your senior year. But, the go-to-guide is adding some changes for this upcoming year’s placements.
Click through to find out the changes...