

Day: September 1, 2010

Former NFL Safety Will Tackle Theatre at PSU

In a feat that many believed to be impossible, former Houston Oilers safety Bo Eason will combine the worlds of football and dramatic theatre in his acclaimed one-man show, Runt of the Litter, at Schwab Auditorium.

Read on to learn more about Mr. Eason and his performance.

Student Red Cross Club Kicks Off Donor Challenge

For the next few weeks, the Penn State Student Red Cross Club is encouraging you to pick sides. Keeping with the endless debate of what side of the state is superior, SRCC is challenging the campus: which city’s fans can bring out more donors and help the Red Cross make up a serious blood shortage?

Superhero G-Span Oversees All College Sports

Earlier this year, there was talk of Penn State President Graham Spanier taking over the post of NCAA President after the death of Miles Brand. G-Span did not want the job, however, and Mark Emmert was eventually elected to the position.

But in his quest to keep all college citizens safe, it was announced on Tuesday that Spanier has been selected to head the Bowl Championship Series Presidential Oversight Committee.

Blue & White BASH Big Hit

Yesterday, the Blue & White Society held the Blue & White BASH at Hintz Alumni Hall.

Read on to see what all the fuss was about.

Third Annual LION Walk Great Success

When you hear a knock on your door, and through your blinds you see the Po Po, your first reaction might be, “Hide everything and run!” But if you got a knock on the door on Tuesday evening and the police were standing there, you most likely were getting a visit from participating members of the Third Annual LION (Living In One Neighborhood) Walk.

What is TEDxPSU?

Devin Cremer, our new videographer, sat down with TEDxPSU executive team member Zach Zimbler. In case you still haven't heard about the upcoming event, everything you need to know is here.

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