

Day: November 4, 2010

Dane Cook: Struck by a Nerf Bat

Last night, the BJC was filled with anticipation awaiting the comedian who brought you the BK Lounge. Dane Cook returned to Penn State for the second time in five years.

Read more about the show's highlights after the jump.

Electro-pop Artist Stops by the HUB

Lucas Carpenter Pops in at the HUB

Loop artist Lucas Carpenter will have all his pre-recorded bells and penny whistles ready for his set this Friday at noon on the first floor of the HUB.

Field Hockey Finishes Regular Season Strong

Penn State Field Hockey finished up a strong regular season in style with a 4-2 win over Northwestern this past Friday. The win gave the #9 ranked Nittany Lions a 13-4 regular season record.

Simmons Residents Have Fun with Bad Situation

By now you’ve probably all heard about the creeper in Simmons Hall. But what you may not have heard is the students’ reactions to the recent crimes...besides the obvious, of course.

Quick UPUA Update: Facebook, Legal Affairs, Etc.

The University Park Undergraduate Association went about its usual business last night after successfully electing their first student representative for the State College Borough Council.

The Assembly passed three policies. The first clarified the operations of UPUA Legal Affairs, the second clarified the role of Executive staff and services, and the third created an official Facebook page for the UPUA.

Blue Bandorama Brings Brass, Bassoons

This Friday, November 5, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., the Penn State Blue Band will perform on stage for their "season-in-review" concert with features from the Blue Band Silks, the Majorettes, Feature Twirler Matt Freeman, and Drum Major Ian Kenney. The Penn State Symphonic Band will also be performing.

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