

Day: November 11, 2010

ROTC Defeats Region, Takes on the World

Here at Penn State, we take a lot of pride in being number one. The Penn State Army ROTC team helped boost our university-wide ego by winning the regional Ranger Challenge Competition on Oct. 24 near West Point, New York.

Time to Really Bleed Blue

Penn State: 823. Michigan State: 987. Seven days remain. For those who managed to pass math class in elementary school, you'll be able to see that we're losing the annual PSU-MSU Blood Donor Challenge. Let's fix that.

Field Hockey Knocked Out in Semis of Big Ten Championship

The Penn State Field Hockey team was defeated 4-3 in overtime of the semi-finals of the Big Ten Championships. This came after a 4-0 win over Indiana in the first round.

“Oh, I’m in That Class?!”: A Guide to Late Drop

With Thanksgiving break so close you can taste the turkey and Finals Week creeping in as quickly as the six-month-long Happy Valley winter, it can only mean one thing. We've reached the time in the semester when you have to sit down and have a serious conversation with yourself. You have to say, "Self, I think it's time we late drop this class."

The Spill Canvas, music

Movin’ On Wants You…To Tell Them What You Want

On Tuesday, @psumovinon posted a link to a survey that asked students what they listen to and who they would like to see at this spring's Movin' On Festival. The survey is the first of many, according to Movin' On.

Distraction of the Day: College Humor on Four Loko

It seems like Four Loko sprang out of nowhere this fall, and it's not just a local phenomenon. Colleges across the country are facing a proliferation of the sugary sweet malt energy drink that has as much alcohol as six beers and as much caffeine as four cups of coffee.

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