

Day: December 14, 2010

Penn State Plans to Offer Fewer M/W Classes

University spokeswoman Annemarie Mountz confirmed this morning that Penn State is shifting away from Monday/Wednesday classes.

The official explanation? Returning to a Monday/Wednesday/Friday standard will produce a more even distribution of class hours over the week.

How NOT to Fail Your Finals

It’s finals week, so basically it is time to learn all the material you just happened to miss throughout the semester by: a) missing class, b) texting your way through class, c) sleeping through class or d) playing Farmville instead of taking notes in class…It’s okay, Onward State is here to help you learn how to study throughout the week.

Since you can’t seem to stop Facebook stalking or tweeting about how much you have to do…

CATA Releases Android App… Finally!

About a year after CATA dropped its iPhone app on the smartphone-toting masses, it finally decided to let the worshipers of the little green robot in on the fun. On Friday, the official CATA app appeared in the Android market, letting users check to see where their buses are.

Studying Myths Debunked

If your weekend was surprisingly tranquil, you woke up early enough to get breakfast at McDonald's or you remembered every transaction on your PNC card, there is a good chance you have a slew of final exams to take this week. With the stress of five days dedicated to Scantrons and essays, the doctrine "don't believe everything you read" is sometimes thrown out by nervous students sweeping the web to find easy tips on how to get an A.

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