THON 2011 Live Blog: Friday

11:49 p.m. – Mopping of the event floor begins. Highly technical explanations are required for such an occurrence. The dancers seem to be handling it well.

11:41 p.m. – Time for a game called ‘Don’t forget the lyrics’. A digital camera is up for grabs for the contestants. The crowd is helping the contestants out by singing the missing lyrics for them.
11:31 p.m.- Whoever is running the music right now seems to like Ke$ha. The crowd seems to like Ke&ha as well. To each his/her own.
11:18 p.m. – Kiss cam scans the BJC again. Not much kissing action going on though.
11:10 p.m. – Time for the sixth line dance of the night. Still a few stragglers, but most have the dance down pat.
10:56 p.m. – Chase takes the lead for a song. A loud cheer erupts from the Onward State section.
10:46 p.m. – Giant conga line snaking its way around the floor as the Thon Idol winner is announced. The Dreamers take the stage to perform a cappella. Our very own Chase Tralka is center stage with the group.
10:26 p.m. – THON captains take the stage for the fifth line dance of the night. It’s looking good from press row.
10:13 p.m. – The color war continues with a series of Pixar-related questions. What type of fish is Nemo in Finding Nemo?
10:05 p.m. – Devon Edwards laughs too hard and spits iced tea all over the Onward State staff and electronics. He may have reached the Collegian staff in front of us as well.
9:56 p.m. – THON floor coverage from the opening hours.
[nggallery id=a-view-from-the-thon-floor]
9:54 p.m.- THON Idol begins. A nice ballad to start things up.
9:28 p.m – The Kiss Cam is scanning the crowd.
9:20 p.m. – The Onward State staff is refueling with some delicious pizza courtesy of Corrinado’s.
9:12 p.m. – THON captains take the stage for the night’s fourth line dance.
9:00 p.m. – The Jordan Center is still full a few hours in. If you’re here, which org do you think has the best looking area?

8:44 p.m. – NOTA is on stage performing some a capella.
8:01 p.m. – Dancers begin to get their daily dose of pasta to keep their energy going.
7:25 p.m. – The THON dancers have officially completed the first line dance of the night. Only 45 more!
7:22 p.m. – Now that the line dance has been taught, it’s time to show what they learned.
[nggallery id=thon-opening]
6:32 p.m. – Morale Captains begin teaching line dance with a little help from the Phillie Phanatic.
6:27 p.m. – Morale Captains take the stage for the first Line Dance of THON 2011!
6:15 p.m. – Phillie Phanatic takes to the main stage to mixed reactions, but that’s a debate for another day.
6:00 p.m. – 708 dancers stand; THON 2011 has begun!

5:55 p.m. – Overall Committee introduced.
5:50 p.m. – Welcome to THON video introduced.
5:30 p.m. – The legend of the Four Diamonds story being told through performances by dance groups–with lasers, of course.
5:26 p.m. – Jeffrey Krisciunas and Four Diamonds Advisory Board thank dancers for what they’re about to do.

5:22 p.m. – The Four Diamonds advisory board is speaking on the main stage.
5:20 p.m. – Everyone please rise for the national anthem.
5:16 p.m. – Zach Hinkle, R&R Overall announces the evacuation plan for the BJC.
5:15 p.m. – we’re live with our THONwardstate redesign, check out the homepage for the official THON live-stream.
5:09 p.m. – DJ Larry Moore seems to be favoring house remixes of indie songs this year.
4:58 p.m. – A pretty cool pair of THON shirts, I’m anticipating hearing this song at some point throughout the weekend.

4:50 p.m. – Definitely getting a rave feel here in the BJC between the smoke, glow-sticks, bass and of course lasers.
4:44 p.m. – Dancers have found spots to sit on the floor as they await the signal to stand-up at 6 p.m.
4:43 p.m. – The human tunnel has collapsed as the last dancers have made it through.
4:40 p.m. – It’s taking awhile for the over 700 dancers to enter the BJC single-file.
4:22 p.m. – and here they are, the THON 2011 dancers.
4:19 p.m. – The floor is set for the dancers to enter.

4:15 p.m. – Dancers are on the move, making their way to the BJC.
4:03 p.m. – Doors are open and sections are being claimed. Less than two hours!
4:02 p.m. – THON Store is now open in Gates A,C, and D on the concourse level.
3:58 p.m. – Moralers are beginning their cheers on the floor. Doors open soon.
3:50 p.m. – 10 minutes until the doors open, does your team have a spot in line?

3:05 p.m. – The dancers are arriving at the Multi-Sport Complex, 3 hours to go!
2:46 p.m. – It looks like there is a new addition to THON’s production – LASERS!

2:36 p.m. – People are lining up outside already.

1:56 p.m. – They’ve started testing the speakers, I doubt anyone is going to have a problem hearing the music this weekend.
1:38 p.m. – …and here we go. We’ve set up at press row at the BJC and are looking forward to spending the weekend covering this important event.
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