In the fourth and final of our series of UPUA candidate profiles, we feature Joe Grimes and Tyler Wentz. Make sure to get the low down on this duo and complete your knowledge of this year's presidential teams.
Have you ever wanted a quicker way to class than walking or taking the bus? Or have you ever wanted cruise down the sidewalk like you own it with complete disregard to pedestrians? If so, Penn State’s bike share is for you.
Towns often take pride in celebrities and public figures whose early lives and development occurred within. However, some townsfolk who achieve a great deal of success manage to slip through the cracks of notoriety. That may be the case for Ben Feller, the next writer to speak at Penn State’s Foster Conference of Distinguished Writers. Raised in Boalsburg, Feller attended Penn State and graduated with a degree in journalism. Impressive as a Penn State diploma may be, that’s not the source of his star status. One name propels Feller to prominence: Barack Obama. Reporting on all facets of Obama’s presidency is a daily task for Feller, as he is the chief White House correspondent for the Associated Press. Although many in State College are aware of Feller’s achievements, especially due to his cover story in the May/June 2009 issue of the Penn Stater, he still seems to be flying under the radar. That could change once Feller returns on March 29 for the Foster Conference.
Spring is upon us and so is the rebirth of 5K season! Come out to the Business Building Lawn at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow to participate in the 12th annual Coaches vs. Cancer 5K.
Penn State’s College of Communications is having their 12th annual JobExpo.Comm Career/Internship Event at the HUB-Robeson Center's Alumni Hall. Doors open at 9 a.m. Friday.
There are more than 55 companies and organizations specifically recruiting College of Communications students for full-time opportunities, and many of them will be looking to fill internships.