

Month: April 2011

Sustainable State Video Contest Voting

This week is the time to vote for the sustainability video contest hosted by the Penn State Center for Sustainability. The contest was announced earlier this spring. For the contest, participants submitted a three minute video about how to improve sustainability in their own lives or at Penn State. Check out my favorites after the jump.

Three Words: For the Glory

When I sat back one night in January thinking about my time at Penn State, I tried to come up with a single word that would adequately describe my experiences here. As I attempted to determine what that magic word might be, my mind began to grasp the absurdity of that challenge. How could I possibly distill four years of my life, countless friendships, and untold numbers of memories, down to a single word? An impossible task to be sure. So instead, I took the easier road and went with three words: For the Glory.

Bands Jam Out in Chronic Town

Last night's Roustabout!, SOMA and Lion 90.7 fm collaboration at Chronic Town was largely a combination of driving jams that got people dancing and lofty, almost psychedelic grooves.

Greg Falatek: Gettin’ Higher

Every time a new rapper (read as: white) breaks onto the scene, there seems to only be two parallels. On one end he could have the imagery and lyrical talents like the most mainstream, white rapper: Eminem. Or on the opposite end of the spectrum, he could infamously have the lack of rhythm and flow similar to Asher Roth.

Comcast Offers Free Boxes To Help With Move Out

Comcast will provide students with 2 free moving out boxes as a part of their new promotion for college students. Text "PSU" to 72579 and answer a few simple survey questions, and visit the Brand Ambassadors downtown in front of the Student Book Store.

Kick Back With SPA’s Relaxation Week Before Finals

All this week, SPA is holding their end-of-the-semester Relaxation Week. Stop by the HUB for some mindless fun before finals crunch time!

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