In celebration of the fall semester's commencement, a variety of Welcome Week activities will be held throughout campus.
Today is an important day; it's the first day of classes, where the new ideas begin to flow through your head and flourish again. Either that, or you're nursing a wicked hangover, and already dreading that ten-page paper you're going to have to write on why Ayn Rand was such a miserable frump. Depending on how it's going for you, you might already be looking down the barrel of a painfully long semester. But there's a glimmer of hope--what you can get excited about is the opening of attendee registration for TEDxPSU 2011.
Here at Penn State, our athletic programs always preach one main message: success with honor. No person exemplifies this message more than Penn State's long-time head football coach, Joe Paterno. A new book was just released that reiterates a theme we are familiar with: Joe Paterno is Penn State. Check out the details on the flipside.
This weekend, thousands of freshman just like you will be introduced into a relatively unfamiliar State College and Penn State scene. In this installment of Onward State's Freshman 101, we offer incoming Penn Staters tips on how to eat in Happy Valley.
The beginning of a new academic calendar also brings the start of another type of calendar: Countdown to THON. To get the ball rolling on the world's largest student-run philanthropy, THON Overall Committee Chairpersons will be selecting captains for each of their respective THON committees. Learn how to apply here!