Amidst Sandusky Madness, Students Speak Out

Disgust. Dissapointment. Anger. Sadness.
There are an infinite number of adjectives that could describe the feelings of PSU students today, and in a generation in which social media enables an instantaneous flood of opinions, public gathering has become ever more attainable. The atmosphere on campus today is troubled. Students, myself included, do not know what to think of our beloved University. The trials and tribulations of once-esteemed football coach Jerry Sandusky have collided with Happy Valley head-on, and there seems to be no end in sight. As a result, students and alumni have begun to speak out and voice their discontent.
The news of Sandusky’s alleged wrongdoing, along with the indictments of now former Athletic Director Tim Curley and Vice President of Finance and Business Gary Schultz sparked outrage as the news trickled out. The first instance of student protest was Sunday night, when a group of students held a demonstration on the steps of Old Main as the University’s Board of Trustees held an emergency meeting. Signs read “Tonight I am Ashamed of PSU,” among others.
The image of this post, take off a sign set up in the HUB, perhaps best sums up the reaction. We don’t know how to react, but we know that the university hasn’t done so appropriately. And we want to try our hand at responding.
Events and pages on Facebook have been created. One page calls for Graham Spanier to be fired and has already been liked by 592 people as of press time, and counting.
Other events with varying purposes have been created by students. One event calls for Beaver Stadium to sit in silence during the alma mater before Saturday’s game against Nebraska. Another calls for a ‘blue out’ of the Stadium to support the victims of child abuse worldwide.
Simply put, students are outraged. The disapproval of the University’s administration is damning. People are speaking out, and calling for the jobs of the most important members of our school. Even Joe Paterno has not been safe from the indignations voiced by Penn State students, alumni, and the national media, who have subjected the investigation to intense scrutiny.
Friends of mine from schools around the country have been contacting me to try to wrap their heads around the situation here, but this situation is unimaginable, and it will not be going away any time soon. The squeaky clean image of Penn State’s “success with honor” bill will be forever tarnished. The administration has done an extreme disservice to the students, and we are pissed.
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