Listen, one of my New Year’s resolutions was to take it easy here my last semester at Penn State… have fun, Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff, all that. But then UPUA has to go ahead and spend $3,600 ON AIRFARE to send three students to Illinois.
Jay Paterno will no longer serve as a member of the Penn State football coaching staff, but, despite what CNN wants you to believe, he's no quitter.
Aside from wanting people to stop talking about Tim Tebow for a few months, you should root for New England during the playoffs for the sake of Penn State football. Newly hired head coach Bill O’Brien will finish out the season as Offensive Coordinator of the Patriots before settling in State College. I'll tell you why that's a good thing after the jump!
For all of those out there who swore on December 31st at 11:59 pm that 2012 was going to be the year that you got in shape and ate healthier, meet your match. The King of Burgers has nearly arrived at University Park.
On Saturday night in front of a national primetime audience the New England Patriots, with new Penn State head coach Bill O’Brien running the offense, will take on the Denver Broncos in the Divisional round of the NFL Playoffs. There are many reasons Penn State fans should root against the Patriots.