Recent Penn State alums Caity Rogowski and Ariel Abramowitz flexed their social media muscles to put a stop to those selling tickets to Joe Paterno's memorial service for profit on eBay. Rogowski and Abramowitz began to drive prices up on every ticket listing they could find while also reporting each listing in an effort to catch eBay's attention.
The Penn State community has been grieving the loss of Joe Paterno differently. Some students assembled on the snow-covered lawn of Old Main Sunday night with candles in hand. Some spoke a short prayer around the JoePa statue outside Beaver Stadium. One Penn State freshman, though, decided to pay homage to the late Joe Paterno with a rap song/Youtube video titled "Legends Never Die."
The Pennsylvania State Marketing Association is hosting a free rave tomorrow night, glow sticks included, featuring DJ F.L.Y and TAXIDERMY.
Our staff compiled the ABCs of Joesph Vincent Paterno.