

Day: April 1, 2012

The School Philly Co-Founder to Join Onward State

We at Onward State are thrilled to announce the addition of a Penn State blogging king to our staff. Andrew Porter (aka AirPort), co-founder of The School Philly, will be joining our staff effective immediately.

Carly Rae Jepsen to open for DAYGLOW

Carly Rae Jepsen, of "Call Me Maybe" fame, has been announced as the opener for DAYGLOW. Read more after the jump!

David Fincher’s “Onward” to Begin Production

After the success of movies like The Social Network and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which both look at how technology shapes our world, director David Fincher has announced the story of Onward State’s founding and subsequent rise for his next project.

Dog Selected as Daily Collegian EIC

In a shocking and groundbreaking move, the Daily Collegian has selected Boone, a dog, as its next Editor-in-Chief.

"We really felt it was the most responsible thing to do," said Jim Rodenbush, the Daily Collegian's news adviser. "The last 125 years have seen human after human after human become Editor-in-Chief. Where's the diversity?"

Introducing Onward State on Sunday, the Printed OS

We realized that print is actually not going to die. So we're jumping ship to print, but only on Sunday. Find out more about the decision behind doing "Onward State on Sunday".

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