The UPUA 7th Assembly is now finalized following their confirmation of an executive board at their Wednesday evening general assembly meeting. It was a somewhat tedious process, but they were able to confirm all six positions on the board after a brief speech from each nominated member, a question-and-answer period, a discussion amongst the assembly, and a secret vote.
DayGlow will be making it rain paint in Penn State tonight yet again and let’s be honest--the world’s largest paint rave is best enjoyed under the influence. Here is a list of 5 tips to enjoying the lifestyle they warned you about in health class.
Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks’ classic parody of the original Frankenstein, my least favorite of his films. But how did Young Frankenstein, a musical adaptation which stopped at Eisenhower Auditorium last night, measure up? Aside from some groan-worthy humor, it definitely improved on the original.
The Philadelphia-based Kalob Griffin Band (@TheKGBand) will be making their return to Penn State--their hometown of a sort--this Saturday, April 14th at Café 210 West.
We all know about "please" and "thank you." Those are common courtesies we exchange with one another on a daily basis. Let's get into a few campus courtesies because they seem to be on the decline.