

Day: September 6, 2012

UPUA Holds Penis Meeting

Last night, the University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA) held their first penis meeting -- I mean town hall meeting -- of the year on the first floor of the HUB. I apologize for the mix-up there but I guess it's just stuck in my head after reading Chair of the Assembly Spencer Malloy's memorandum suggested that more UPUA members "attend ... regular penis meetings". Malloy responded to a text last night, explaining that he was "just so tired from going to all these penis meetings that [he] didn't notice. Moving on.

Rape Culture, Activism, and Jessica Valenti

Last night, Jessica Valenti spoke to students at Penn State about why it's important to use activism to battle rape culture. Before a Q&A session, Valenti said that feminism today is fun, energized and increasingly youth-led, despite what the media thinks, with the antiquated, played-out stereotypes that many people see portrayed with the media.

Learn How to Party with C.L. Lindsay

Tonight at 7:30 p.m, the Off Campus Student Union will host an event with former lawyer and award-winning speaker, C.L. Lindsay, who will teach you how to throw down properly. I guess.

10 Questions with G. Love

On September 19th, G. Love will be playing at Penn State for Rock the Vote. See what he had to say about everything from "Cold Beverages" to the Philadelphia Eagles.

The New Penn State Dining App Sucks

For a long time, it's been a nuisance to get on a computer -- and an even bigger nuisance to pick up the Daily Collegian -- to check what is going to be served in the dining halls. I was relieved when I heard about the new dining app, which would seem to an easy and convenient solution for navigating the dining halls. How wrong I was.

The LGBTA Alliance Struggles to Balance Activism and Advocacy

Last night, the Penn State LGBTA Student Alliance elected Joshua Glossner to fill the vacant treasurer position left void in the organizations after a falling out with executive board members over changing the name of the club to it's more dated title, SpeakOut. But a rift exists below the surface where half of the queer community is edging into radicalism while the other half fears militant activism could compromise the strides taken by the LGBTA at PSU. Read more about the internal strife of the Student Alliance after the jump.

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