

Author: Amanda Dash

About the Author

10 Things at the Library You’re Probably Not Using

As one digs deeper and travels through the massive building, one begins to realize that Pattee and Paterno Library are more than just stacks of books. There are several items and services that the library has to offer that students may not have realized yet.

Penn State’s Time to “Stone an Atheist”

Have a dollar and want to throw something at heathens? Well then here's the event for you.

The Atheist/Agnostic Association is setting up Stone an Atheist, three days of throwing water balloons at Penn State's own resident atheists and non-believers.

The New Penn State Dining App Sucks

For a long time, it's been a nuisance to get on a computer -- and an even bigger nuisance to pick up the Daily Collegian -- to check what is going to be served in the dining halls. I was relieved when I heard about the new dining app, which would seem to an easy and convenient solution for navigating the dining halls. How wrong I was.

Socially Awkward Freshman: 5 Things I Didn’t Do

All my life I have been that socially awkward person standing in the back of the room. Now that I am at college I discovered.... well, some things don't change much. My freshman year is almost over at Penn State and I've spent all my time indoors eating Ramen noodles and reading my math textbook.

School of Seven Bells Jams Out at Chronic Town

Starting off the tour for their third album Ghostory, School of Seven Bells' first stop was Chronic Town, bringing along their indie rock/ dream pop tunes to Penn State Tuesday night. Opening for them was Think Twice, Dublin, State College's own local melancholic dream pop band.

HUB Movie Review: Paranormal Activity 3

I went into this week's HUB movie fully expecting it to be as disappointing as its predecessors. Low budget films with a few effects thrown in, but not really living up to the title of being a horror movie. But Paranormal Activity 3 actually made me jump out of my seat.

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