While this election has been widely discussed both on campus and on social media, many wondered, including myself, how many students would actually show up to the polls today. The answer? A lot.
From Saturday November 10th to Sunday November 11th, Penn State-based entrepreneurship accelerator Innoblue and the Smeal College of Business will co-host Hack PSU, a 24-hour competition for prospective entrepreneurs. The event will also be sponsored by Microsoft, General Electric, Treehouse (@Treehouse), ReadyForce (@ReadyForce), and everyone's favorite drunk food destination, Canyon Pizza.
Step right up, don’t be shy! Are you ready to witness something so amazing, so spectacular, you won’t believe it with your own two eyes?! What if I told you that you could make the most popular sandwich in America today in your very own dorm RIGHT NOW? You can, and all you need is an iron.
When Americans get sick, we drive to the nearest health clinic to visit a doctor. In rural South Africa, it is often times more practical for the care to come to the patient. Penn State engineering students work in South Africa to bring improvements to these mobile medical clinics.
Yesterday, the Penn State Women's Soccer team earned a number one seed in the upcoming NCAA Tournament following yet another superb season. Find out who and where they will play after the jump.