

Author: Joseph Rogachevsky

About the Author

Joseph Rogachevsky

Hey, I'm Joe. I enjoy long walks on the beach and good conversation. Gouda cheese is nice, but I prefer Brie. I'm very well-traveled. A typical Saturday night for me is spent at Irving's Cafe. I drink coffee for the taste.

Director of National Human Genome Research Institute Updates on Medicine, Calls for Help

Since the era of recorded history, thinkers as early as Aristotle have philosophized on the nature of heredity. Hippocrates believed that hereditary material was collected throughout the body and then passed to offspring, not unlike Darwin's speculation thousands of years later. On Saturday, NHGRI and Eric Green presented on the continuing research conducted in pursuit of genetics-based care.

Did Your Genetics Cause You to Read This Headline?

I have always had this perception that Gattaca is right around the corner. By the time my generation has children, it should be as easy as going to see a doctor and saying, "Well, you know, Doc, I have had bum knees my whole life. Can you give my boy the right genes so that his knees stay good?"

Despite Arctic Weather, Willard Preacher Keeps Preaching

The Willard Preacher continues to deliver his daily sermon in the coldest weather of the year.

Professor Lectures on Genetic Diversity to Largely Non-Diverse Crowd

Onward State reviews the Eberly College of Science's 2013 Penn State Lectures on the Frontiers of Science. This year's theme is "Your Genes: How They Contribute to Who You Are". The first speech, by Professor Mark Shriver, was titled "Races, Faces, and Human Genetic Diversity".

Momentum Fitness Keeps It Moving

Read the story of one man who took his passion for fitness instruction from training clients in his garage to a space downtown that he renovated himself. Check out a slideshow of the transformation.

Penn State Wants You to Read Good with the Newspaper Readership Program

While not exactly breaking news, many Penn State students remain unaware of the ongoing effort that is the Newspaper Readership Program. You may not know that there are digital versions of newspapers available to you subscription-free. Most notably, The New York Times and The Chronicle of Higher Education have programs which allow you access to an unlimited number of articles once you sign up for a free account using your email address.

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