After postponing their January 11 stop at the BJC back in October, Green Day's Jordan Center appearance has officially been canceled.
Good news, gamers: According to Penn State researchers, you aren't destined for a life of failing relationships and dwindling friendships. Read more about the researchers findings after the jump.
When we return to classes, parts of Old Main will be closed off because of a renovation project that is projected to be finished by the upcoming fall semester.
If you’re on Twitter (and if you’re not, come on, what are you waiting for?) and follow any number of Penn State people, you’ve undoubtedly seen someone mention the newest account to hit the Penn State “twittersphere” @BlueWhiteRising. I spoke to Bifano to find out what it was all about.
Alcohol is a wonderful thing: the cause and salve of all man's problems. However one does not always need alcohol to have fun. Downtown State College is certainly in agreement with this statement, as the local event known as “First Night” can attest to. First Night is a big celebration of the past year and a fun way to ring in the new one.
The cover photo for the legendary EA Sports video game series NCAA Football is always a popular topic. Previous covers include Robert Griffin III, Tim Tebow, Reggie Bush, and even Mark Sanchez (lol). But this year, EA Sports is doing things a little differently. Rather than feature an individual player, the video game empire will feature an entire team on the cover based on a fan vote -- and all 126 BCS schools have a chance.