It was an electric night at the Bryce Jordan Center as Penn State pulled off an improbable 84-78 upset victory against No. 4 Michigan. After the game, Pat Chambers had a message for everyone: That's Penn State Basketball, baby. Get used to it, because that's what it's gonna be."
Economics professor Dirk Mateer, known for his popular ECON 102 class, has announced that he is leaving Penn State for the University of Kentucky. Mateer had announced last semester that he was taking a leave this semester, and that it was possible he would not return to Penn State in the Fall.
Structural changes within the Penn State Football program continue as Peter Seidenberg will replace Dr. Wayne Sebastianelli as team physician.
The Harlem Shake craze hit Penn State last week in this special video featuring the PSU Boombox Guy and a hundred or so ambitious Penn State students who braved the elements to film on the HUB lawn.
About three weeks ago, a Pennsylvania judge appointed an attorney to investigate possible "secrecy issues" that may have occurred within the grand jury that investigated Jerry Sandusky and other former Penn State officials, according to the Associated Press.