

Day: April 1, 2013

Penn State Squirrel Whisperer and Sneezy the Squirrel Split

Penn State Squirrel Whisperer, Mary Krupa and Sneezy the Squirrel are no more after Krupa was caught feeding the ducks on campus.

Franco Harris Named New Curator of TEDxPS4RS

Former Penn State running back Franco Harris has been named the new curator of the TEDxPS4RS conference to be held on Penn State's campus next spring.

Supa Six Pulls An April Fools Day Joke

Penn State football players Allen Robinson and Bill Belton sent fear into any Penn State fan on Twitter last night who forgot what day it was. The duo, with some help from other members of the "Supa Six," sent the Nittany Nation Twittersphere into pandemonium last night with a series of terrifying Tweets indicating that the pair was transferring.

Student Jailed for Extending eLion Session Too Many Times

Around 8 p.m. last Friday night, sophomore Josh Brolin opened eLion, started working on his schedule, and left the window open in the background of his desktop. A pop-up caught his eye, striking fear in his heart that his hard work might disappear: “Your session is about to expire. Please click here to request additional time."

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