

Day: September 13, 2013

Meet the THON 2014 Directors: Ryan Patrick, Executive Director

With THON season in full swing, I conducted a series of interviews with each member of the THON 2014 Executive Committee in order to better connect the Penn State community with the leaders of the largest student run philanthropy in the world. First up is Executive Director Ryan Patrick.

Behind The Scenes of @penn_state

Follow Penn State on Twitter or 'like' it on Facebook? There's more that goes into maintaining those accounts than you might think. We caught up with one of the main people who makes it all happen.

John Bacon Discusses Novel Fourth and Long At Curley Center Event

John Bacon, author of the polarizing novel Fourth and Long: The Fight for the Soul of College Football, spoke at Penn State's John Curley Center for Sports Journalism last night. The event, moderated by newly anointed Knight Chair in Sports Journalism and Society John Affleck, had a small crowd of about 30 to 40 people in the Carnegie Cinema.

Welcome to the Fedora Mecca of State College

Hard-hitting journalists Mara Kern and Maggie McGlinchy stopped by the Mad Hat'r on Pugh Street to check out their selection of hats. It. Was. Awesome.

DIY Spirit Wear for the Creative (or Poor)

One Onward Stater took to her crafting corner and whipped up some cheap and easy DIY spirit wear. She shares her projects with anybody out there hoping to make their own!

#College As Told By the Freshman Class

The transition from high school to college can be tough. Freshmen are adjusting to more difficult classes, a bigger campus, and a sea of unfamiliar faces. Not to mention, they're still getting used to the newfound freedom that comes with living away from home.

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