If you were in State College yesterday afternoon, you probably noticed thousands of folks running around campus or trudging around downtown drenched in paint or sporting colorful T-shirts. What you witnessed was the aftermath of The Color Run at Penn State, an event organized by Homecoming for the first time in State College.
There was a time when I thought that waking up at 6:23a.m. for my 8a.m. class was early and warranted some sort of golden star for the day. Then, I met some members of the Penn State Crew Team.
You may have noticed Canyon Pizza's newest edition to its delivery fleet -- an old police cruiser. You'll remember seeing the "Canyon police car", so you'll remember Canyon Pizza, at least if the marketing plan works out.
I hadn't the faintest idea what awaited me when I climbed aboard the establishment's complimentary shuttle. A friendly bearded man named Bubba drove some clueless Onward Staters and a fraternity twenty minutes off campus, and this is what we overheard.
If you've ever wondered exactly where THON's 2013 total of $12,939,895.36 came from, and where those proceeds went after THON weekend ended, look no further: on Friday, THON released its annual Summary of Fundraising Activities for the 2013 Fiscal Year.
Grit — not IQ, or test scores or raw talent — is the strongest predictor of success, according to "genius grant" recipient Angela Duckworth. It was along this logic that Tom Sharbaugh, a '73 graduate, designed the Schreyer Honors College Gateway Scholars Program Scholarship, which rewards first-generation college students that have persevered through life's challenges on their way to academic success.