

Day: March 3, 2014

Penn State’s 15th President Joab Thomas Dies at 81

Penn State's 15th president and Thomas Building's namesake, Joab Thomas, has passed away at the age of 81.

Lucas, Taylor, and Washington All Earn Top Big Ten Honors

The Lady Lions won their third straight conference championship two days ago; now, the individual Big Ten accolades and honors are following suit. Maggie Lucas, Dara Taylor, and head coach Coquese Washington all earned top conference awards following yet another very strong regular season for Penn State's women's basketball squad.

PS4RS Announces Top 6 Candidates in Endorsement Process

The most important Board of Trustees endorsement has whittled down the field of 32 to the final six. Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship, a semi-controversial group aimed at reforming the Board of Trustees, announced its six finalists for its endorsement this weekend.

Why Do Most of the HUB Restaurants Close at 4?

Have you ever wandered to the HUB late in the afternoon, only to Chick-fil-A, Burger King, and other restaurants closed? It turns out, there is a method to this madness after all.

Penn State Winter Olympic Events

Now that the Olympics are over, your fix for absurd and/or extreme sporting events may need some serious quenching. Have no fear, as Onward State has you covered with a version of the winter games you can play right here in State College.

State of State Announces Second Round of Speakers

The inaugural State of State conference is just around the corner, and if the leadership team has announced its second round of speakers. The first round included six well-known community figures, and the second round looks to be just as impressive.

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