Hosting a party can be a tricky task. From figuring out who’s coming, to buying drinks and making sure nobody does anything too destructive, there are plenty of things that can go wrong. With the right planning and luck, you can host a perfect party that goes just as planned.
But we’re not interested in that! We’re more fans of the crazy, strange, I-woke-up-to-some-random-guy-sleeping-on-my-sofa-and-asking-me-to-make-him-pancakes parties.
So, what we’re asking you is to tell us the absolute weirdest things that you’ve experienced hosting a party, whether it’s something that happened that night, someone at the party, or something you found out the next day. If you think you’ve got a special tale, fill out the form, tell us about your party, and hopefully it’ll be funny enough to share on the site.
is a senior Supply Chain Management major with an Economics minor (Read: Business Douche) from South Jersey. He has an intense fear of graduating so please don't bring it up. He writes about stupid things nobody cares about, and student life if the site is low on content that is clearly supposed be funny but is really very unfunny. He is lovingly (?) known around the staff as Baby Mike which may or may not be because he has a child (hint: it’s not). He’s also a second generation Penn Stater who has been wearing Penn State sweatshirts since before he was two, a habit he hasn’t grown out of. If you really hate yourself, you can follow him on twitter at @mike_reisman or email him at