

Day: February 7, 2017

Penn State Materials Institute To Hold Conversation About Immigration Ban

Penn State Materials Institute will hold a public event to discuss President Trump's EO on immigration.

Borough Council Tempers Flare Over Proposed Property Maintenance Code Amendments

Property was a hot topic on the agenda last night for the State College Borough Council as members discussed revisions to the Property Maintenance Code and a repair job for a downtown parking garage that will cost more than a million dollars.

Penn State To Offer Online Bachelor’s Degree In Software Engineering

Starting this August, students can earn a bachelor's degree in software engineering online through Penn State World Campus.

We Want To Hear Why You Chose To Dance In THON 2017

If you plan to stand for 46 hours FTK this year, we want to hear what inspired you to take on the challenge.

DOTD: Penn State Professor Cracks Code For Perfect Next-Day Guacamole

Penn State's Head of Food Science for the College of Agricultural Sciences uses water to keep the guac green.

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