

Month: March 2018


Penn State Wrestling Advances Five To NCAA Championships Semifinals

Zain Retherford, Jason Nolf, Vincenzo Joseph, Mark Hall, and Bo Nickal all advanced to the semifinals with wins, while Shakur Rasheed and Nick Nevills each lost leads off of reversals during the third period.

Student Life

Sports Business Conference Opens With Keynote From Kim Pegula

"When we bought the team, everyone kept saying, 'Why Buffalo?'" Pegula said. "We were like, 'Why not Buffalo?...That's the team that we love.'"


Fictional Versions Of Penn State Places

University Park and downtown State College are home to many cool places. Some of them even have doppelgängers on the big screen.


Penn State, CGE At Odds Over Release Of Graduate Student Information

Penn State is claiming that the Coalition of Graduate Employees (CGE) denied student requests to withhold information ahead of the graduate student union election, while CGE says the university is just using another ploy to delay the process.


Pro-Level Athletes Highlight Panel At Inaugural Sports Business Conference

Penn State football alumnus Jason Cabinda, former Olympic-level skier Stefanie Crosby, and retired NBA big man Etan Thomas all spoke on the panel, which focused on challenges presented to athletes following the end of their sports careers.

Student Life

New Light Box Therapy Available In IM Wellness Suite

Light therapy boxes are now available in the Relaxation Room at the Wellness Suite in the IM Building.

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