

Day: March 1, 2021

Penn State

President Barron Speaks To State Legislature, Requests Appropriation Increase

Barron provided general updates on Penn State's past year and an increased appropriation request.


Penn State Planning To Potentially Become COVID-19 Vaccination Site

Penn State does not currently distribute vaccines. However, it is prepared to following a few new purchases.


Penn State To Resume Random COVID-19 Testing March 1

Random testing of approximately 2% of Penn State's population per day will begin again on Monday, March 1.

Student Life

Staff Picks: Downtown Restaurants We Miss Dearly

From Taco Bell to Ye Olde College Diner, our staffers weighed in on what downtown restaurants they miss the most these days.


10 Questions With THON 2021 Line Dance Leader Samantha Mackey

We sat down with 2021 line dance leader Samantha Mackey to get the inside scoop on what it was like to lead the line dance in an empty Bryce Jordan Center.

Student Life

‘Parks & Rec’ & Economics?: Professor Jadrian Wooten To Debut First Book

Penn State economics professor Jadrian Wooten knows a thing or two about ~the economy~. Now, he's connecting his passion for econ with *literally* one of his favorite shows.

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