

Your Best (And Worst) Stories From Bigler Hall: Part Two

Bigler Hall, the oldest dorm in East Halls, is finally getting a much-needed renovation. To commemorate the end of the Bigler era, we compiled some of your best stories from “Dirty Big.”

To no one’s surprise, a whopping number of people had a lot to say. So, without further ado, here’s another batch of Bigler memories.

Anna (2018-19 resident)

Despite the “showers [that] were so dark you couldn’t see yourself at all” or the heat that would just stop working in the middle of winter, Anna noted that Bigler “builds character.”

Anonymous Resident (2019-20)

Coming back from a late-night library grind, this Bigler resident was ready to relax. Unfortunately, “the elevator wouldn’t move up or down nor would the doors open.”

Police had to come by to get folks out of the elevator. Oh, Bigler.

Anonymous Resident (2017-18)

This resident’s roommate had a friend up for the weekend, so when someone was sleeping in his bed, he naturally assumed it was that friend.

To his surprise, he said he “woke up and my roommate and I realized it was a random guy that didn’t even live in the building.” Guess this mystery man just wanted to experience one night in Dirty Big.

Cydney Flaharty Whitmoyer (1985-87 resident)

Cydney lived in East Halls for two years and liked to think of Bigler as a blessing in disguise.

“Community bathrooms meant we actually made friends, several of which I keep in touch with to this day,” she said.

She also utilized the piano in the basement, rarely waited for the showers, and could park her car close by. While she adds it was a long walk from frat row, “you could easily stop at the original Creamery on the way home from class.”

TJ, Dan, & Ty (2015-16 residents)

Prank wars are all fun and games…until they’re not. After putting up a fake crime alert poster, a fellow Bigler resident called the cops on Ty’s roommate after thinking the poster was real.

Dan and TJ then proceeded to deal with campus authorities over the entire first semester, discussing ways to “better their community.” To make matters worse, “it all ended with a Bigler-wide apology presentation in the commons lobby. Welcome to college. Welcome to Bigler.”

Anonymous Resident (2020-21)

Last year, this resident noted that the fourth-floor RA allegedly fled following the infamous twerk circle.

“When she disappeared, we hosted huge parties, because who was gonna stop us? Penn State Housing didn’t even notice that we were missing an RA for six weeks.”

This resident is happy, though, because “the new RA we got after that was a homie.”

Ethan (2018-19 resident)

Who knew that Bigler would become a family tradition for Ethan? His great aunt lived in Bigler back in the 1960s, and even though it was brand new at that point, Ethan added that it “sucked then and sucked in 2018.”

Kaytie (2020-2021 resident)

“One time, I had the cops called on me because I fell asleep in the communal bathtub. I would like to add that I was not under the influence of any substance.”

However, Kaytie woke up to a paramedic trying to take her vitals.

“The cops then proceeded to bang on my door to wake up my roommate and the entire floor at 5 a.m. I watched as they wheeled an empty gurney out of Bigler and it was hilarious.”

Christopher Hess (2017-18 resident)

“Where to begin? The Bigler Plague in the fall of 2017 took the building by storm. The entire fourth floor was sick in some capacity, and I had a solid 103° fever for a weekend,” Christopher said. “Also, it was quite fun riding on a longboard down the hallway with a helmet on. The elevators were also rickety as hell. You hoped and prayed it wouldn’t get stuck.”

“Bigler Hall built character, and it was an honor to bless 402 Bigler Hall for a year,” he said.

Caitlin (2001-02 resident)

Caitlin shares that she “could talk to [her] neighbor through the outlet.” Loose outlet or a way to make friends? Both!

“We wouldn’t have to get up from our desks to chat!”

Jessica Garafalo (2017-18 resident)

“While living in Bigler was gross, I met some of my best friends and boyfriend there, so for that, I’m lucky to have lived in Bigler,” Jessica said.

Jessica also had a bathroom horror story to share.

“One time, I was showering and literal poop came up from the drain and onto the shower floor. Five years later and I’m still traumatized.”

Trenton (2020-21 visitor)

While Trenton did not live in Bigler, he was able to see his friend’s “hot neighbor.” Trenton thinks of Bigler rather fondly because he “finally secured the bag after three months.”

Kelly (2014-15 resident)

“The whole second floor squeezed on the elevator and was trapped in there for at least an hour,” Kelly said.

Kelly also told a story about a deadly duo: weed and an RA.

“Someone on the first floor kept smoking weed, and the RA would call the cops every time. So, they kept alternating guys’ rooms just to piss her off.”

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About the Author

Alexandra Pepe

Alex is a senior from New Canaan, CT, pursuing the Master's of Accounting program and minoring in journalism. She spends most of her free time with friends, watching "Curb Your Enthusiasm", or trying to figure out the buses. Her favorite things are getting breakfast sandwiches on a Sunday morning, listening to new music, and... writing for OS, of course! She can be reached through her email [email protected].

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