UPUA Passes Bill To Fund Coffee For Finals Week
The 19th Assembly of the University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA) met on Wednesday to pass seven pieces of legislation.
The meeting opened with one special presentation by UPUA benefitting THON. The UPUA THON representative spoke about how the assembly can prepare for THON 2025, which included discussing how assembly members can fundraise over winter break and sharing updates regarding UPUA THON merchandise.
President Zion Skyes was absent from this meeting, so following a report from Vice President Rasha Elwakil, the assembly moved into business.
New Business
First up for new business was Bill #45-19: Funding for the 19th Assembly Spring Student Council Roundtable. This bill provides funding to cater a Student Council Roundtable from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, January 23. This is a bi-annual event hosted by UPUA, which brings together student leaders from various academic colleges. During the roundtable, these leaders discuss areas for growth and use the roundtable as a space to collaborate and brainstorm. The event also seeks to establish connections between the various colleges at Penn State and allows these leaders to work together to improve the university experience for all students.
Bill #45-19: Funding for the 19th Assembly Spring Student Council Roundtable passed unanimously.
Next up was Bill #46-19: Funding for the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Gala. This bill allots funding for the College of Earth and Mineral Science gala that is set to take place at 7 p.m. on Friday, January 31, in Heritage Hall. The gala is set to feature food, a photo booth, trivia games, raffle baskets, and more. Attendees will hear from the treasurer and president of the Earth and Mineral Science Student Council, as well as the dean of the college throughout the event. Due to budget cuts within the college, the student council requested UPUA provide enough money to break even on the event.
Bill #46-19: Funding for the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Gala passed unanimously.
Following this was Bill #47-19: Funding for Coffee for Finals Week Fall 2024. This bill allows UPUA to purchase coffee to hand out to the student body from Sunday, December 15, until Thursday, December 19, at the HUB. The stand will be open from 7 to 11 p.m. on Sunday, and from 8 to 11 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday of finals week. Students can choose between medium and dark-roast Starbucks coffee for the perfect pick-me-up while cramming for final exams. In addition to coffee, UPUA will also be handing out a limited supply of granola bars to students.
Bill #47-19: Funding for Coffee for Finals Week Fall 2024 passed unanimously.
Bill #48-19: Sponsoring Black Caucus’s 2024 ASHE Awards was up next. This bill allows UPUA to sponsor the Penn State Black Caucus’s ASHE Awards by funding their crown prices. The ASHE Awards is an annual event held to recognize Black Penn State students who demonstrate excellence in their academic achievements, community engagement, and personal growth. Hosted by the Penn State Black Caucus, the event seeks to uplift and empower the Black community on campus and foster a space of positive growth and inclusion. The UPUA is set to sponsor the crowns that will be distributed throughout the event for awards such as “Best Smile,” “Change of Campus Award,” “Best Student Artist,” and “Best Student Organization.”
Bill #48-19: Sponsoring Black Caucus’s 2024 ASHE Awards passed unanimously.
Next up was Resolution #11-19: Restoration of 2002 Class Gift Clocks. This resolution describes how UPUA is working with Penn State administration and the Office of the Physical Plant to restore the historic street clocks on campus. In 2002, Penn State students chose to dedicate their class gift to the creation of historic clocks honoring the victims of the September 11 attacks. These clocks are located on Curtin Road, Shortlidge Mall, the HUB Plaza, and HUB Lawn. Since their installment, these clocks have lost proper functionality and need repairs to preserve the clock’s original state and historical significance.
Resolution #11-19: Respiration of 2002 Class Gift Clocks passed unanimously.
Following this was Resolution #12-19: Adding More Street Lamps Through Pollock Quarters. This resolution states how UPUA plans to work alongside the Penn State administration to workshop and implement lighting improvements to Pollock Quarters. One way UPUA plans to do this is by using energy-efficient light sources, such as LED lights and solar-powered fixtures to be incorporated into building entrances and popular pathways. In addition to this, UPUA wishes to incorporate this new lighting to provide accessibility and green space, placing lights in outdoor common areas and walkways. Lastly, the resolution states how these lighting improvements cannot happen without the joint effort by campus safety officials and the Office of the Physical Plant.
Resolution #12-19: Adding More Street Lamps Through Pollock Quarters passed unanimously.
The final piece of legislation for the night was Resolution #13-19: DEI Resources Across Academic Colleges. This report details a course of action that UPUA can take to address the lack of accessible information about DEI offices within academic colleges. This includes improving the UPUA “University Resources” section of its website by providing a thorough overview of DEI resources and breaking down these resources available through each academic college. The UPUA PR team will also advertise these resources through mass emails, Instagram posts, and flyers.
Resolution #13-19: DEI Resources Across Academic Colleges passed unanimously.
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