Comedian Nick Offerman, well-mustached star of NBC's "Parks and Recreation" (and professional woodworker), will kick off a semester of SPA events performing in Eisenhower Auditorium.
Before I visited Penn State, I had never heard of the Nittany Lions, Joe Paterno, Happy Valley, or State College. I was the quintessential out-of-stater. One tour around campus, and I realized that this was a place that I wanted to be. I soon found that, like State College’s highly unpredictable climate, Penn State, even with all its traditions, is a place of constant change.
The Blue and White Film Festival highlights the best in student film work produced in the 2012-2013 academic year, and students who enter have the chance to have their works shown on the big screen at a red carpet event on April 25 at 7 p.m.
Way back in January 2010, Penn State's Full Ammo Improv Troupe organized a legendary comedy event: RAWR, a festival dedicated to bringing great improv comedy to Penn State. Now, after three years and countless Sunday night shows in Forum, it's happening again.
Around 8 p.m. last Friday night, sophomore Josh Brolin opened eLion, started working on his schedule, and left the window open in the background of his desktop. A pop-up caught his eye, striking fear in his heart that his hard work might disappear: “Your session is about to expire. Please click here to request additional time."
We know there's a long wait to get in line to the Bryce Jordan Center, but your trip doesn't have to be a boring wait in the cold. Here are some things you could try to pass the time.