

Author: Caitlin Gailey

About the Author

Caitlin Gailey

Senior from just outside the city of Brotherly Love. Yes, I am one of those Philly sports fans. I bleed blue and white and have since birth. Maybe someday you will see me on ESPN and then again maybe not. If you ever want to inflate my ego email me at

My Best Dream: Caitlin Gailey’s Senior Column

"Penn State is my dream, and although I wish I could remember every detail, every seemingly monumental moment, the enormity of the past four years has rendered me speechless."

Student Life

How To Finish 55 Days Without Breaking The Bank

Visiting Cafe for almost 2 months straight is not only a great way to harm your liver, but also a great to do some serious damage to your bank account. At the end of the semester, funds are short, so we calculated all the ways to finish 55 Days on a budget.


How Long Did THON Spectators Stand?

No matter how long you stayed, THON 2018 raised $10,151,663.93 for the kids, and that's really something to be proud of.


[Photo Story] Final Four Hours Of THON 2018

The final four hours are jam-packed with entertainment as the final countdown begins until dancers sit and the THON 2018 total is revealed.


Cancer Survivor Returns To BJC Floor As Dancer

Having been to THON as a child, Splawn is stepping onto the floor with a new perspective -- as one of three dancers for the Penn State York campus.


How Long Will You Last At THON?

It goes without saying that there are only few people who have enough patience, talent and commitment to stand for the entire 46 hours of THON. That's why they have been elected into the elite class of 2018 dancers.

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