

Author: Caitlyn Edgell

About the Author

Caitlyn Edgell

Caitlyn is a sophomore from Hollidaysburg, PA and is studying Political Science. She is also the Social Media Manager at Onward State. To contact Caitlyn, email her at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @caitlyn_edgell.

Organizations To Sponsor Events During Sexual Assault Awareness Month

As part of continued university efforts to combat sexual violence, April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

UPUA Presidential Candidate Spotlight: Emily McDonald

Emily McDonald wasn't always set on Penn State. But ever since she set foot on campus in 2012, McDonald, a junior majoring in economics and international politics, has been heavily involved.

Alpha Tau Omega And Zeta Tau Alpha Uphold 20-Year Tradition

For the last 20 years, ATO and ZTA have raised the most money for THON out of all the Greek organizations. We found out how they've accomplished such an incredible feat.

Pistol Peg Performs at THON

Pistol Peg graced the THON stage Saturday afternoon and brought some country songs to change the pace in the BJC.

Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Chi’s THON Move Adventure

In an amazing feat, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Chi were able to move their entire THON organizations across the BJC in search of more space and a closer view.

10 Questions With A THON Dancer’s Parents

This weekend, support can be found from almost any source, especially family members. Here are 10 questions with the parents of a THON dancer.

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