

Author: Davis

About the Author


Creator of @OnwardState. Big fan of sweaters.

Overheard on Twitter: Penn State Makes Tourney

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In the 10 minute period after being selected to #marchmadness, Tweets about Penn State rose 990%. (via than a minute ago via web

Commissioner Confirms: Election Hearings Public

UPUA Elections Commissioner Dustin Dove confirmed that the Board of Arbitration hearings regarding the candidacies of the Adewumi-Prisupati and Grimes-Wentz tickets will be public, contrary to the wishes of Adewumi. A date hasn't been set yet, but all parties are apparently trying to get something scheduled for as early in the week as possible-- campaign starts tomorrow morning at 7:00 am.

Alumni Association Director Rallies Base

We've received a couple forwards in our tip box of an email that Roger Williams, executive director of the Penn State Alumni Association, sent out to the organization's "announcement" list-- i.e., what must be a huge number of graduates spread throughout the Commonwealth and beyond. Check it out after the jump.

Gov Corbett Proposes Huge Budget Cuts for PSU

Graham Spanier has not had a good week so far. And indeed, in all likelihood, neither have you.

Adewumi DQ’ed from UPUA Prez Bid, Claims Bias

There are few people at Penn State whose career I follow with as much interest as David Adewumi. The reason David's career has interested me so is that palace intrigue, whether real or imagined, seems to follow him. This spring is turning out to be no exception.

Graham Spanier Speaks with David Adewumi at THON

Another video submission from David Adewumi. Check out his interview with Penn State President Graham Spanier during the final hours of THON 2011. You should also check out the two videos Adewumi submitted to us earlier.

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