

Author: Davis

About the Author


Creator of @OnwardState. Big fan of sweaters.

PSU Star of Another ‘This American Life’ Episode

About two and a half years ago, Penn State was featured on Chicago Public Radio's This American Life, a weekly public radio show whose producer Sara Koenig and other TAL editors explored the undesired accolade our university had won a few months earlier from The Princeton Review. Well, Ms. Koenig has apparently been back on her journalistic grind over the past several months. Check out our report after the jump.

Corbett Signs Medical Amnesty Bill into Law

About a month ago, we reported that the Pennsylvania State Senate had advanced a bill to establish a medical amnesty plan for that provides legal amnesty to underage individuals who call emergency authorities to help a friend or acquaintance with a life-threatening, alcohol-related illness.

Yesterday Gov. Tom Corbett signed the measure into law.

President Spanier Addresses Budget in Email Blast

Penn State President Graham Spanier sent out an email blast to all faculty and staff after a budget containing a 19% cut to the university's appropriation was passed by the State legislature. The budget now only awaits signature by Gov. Tom Corbett. Check it out in full after the jump.

Penn State Resigns Itself to 19% Appropriation Cut

Penn State encouraged state legislators early this week to approve a non-preferred appropriations bill that would see its funding reduced by 19% -- a significant change from Gov. Tom Corbett’s initially proposed cut of more than 50%.

Sponsored Post: Penn State Stylistas Wanted

When Onward State launched its fashion feature, the Natty Nittany, back in 2008, I didn't know what to expect. The climate in State College isn't exactly what I'd call favorable for high fashion. Since then, I've realized that students who think Happy Valley's couture scene is underdeveloped just don't know where to look.

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