

Author: Haley Blazer

About the Author

The First 5 Songs I will Sing when ‘Icy Snow Karaoke’ Opens

Icy Snow Karaoke will be the first establishment of its kind in State College. One of our writers is way too excited for its arrival.

Sandra Fluke Talks Immigration Issues at Penn State

The Georgetown law student who was called a slut by Rush Limbaugh for her congressional testimony for birth-control insurance, Sandra Fluke, gave Penn State a lesson in social justice, immigration and women's rights. Read what Fluke had to say to students after the jump.

The Vagina Monologues Return to Penn State

The Vagina Monologues was not the more of the same mindless entertainment we see so much these days; no -- it was fodder for the brain, a push to think about things rarely, if ever, thought about. A tangible haze of contemplative thought and unchecked estrogen settled over the crowd. I caught myself tuning the questions explored by the characters back on myself (i.e. what would my vagina wear if I were to dress it?) It was strangely refreshing.

Just Another Freshman Psyched for State Patty’s

An argument could be made that I am a bad Penn Stater. Admittedly, I have not attended a single sporting event in my freshman year. Even this past weekend I found myself tossed amid the student body minority not queuing up outside the BJC at all hours. I’d like to defend myself, however. I attend classes, participate in various groups around campus, and, of course, I like to let loose when the weekend rolls around. Actually, I like to let shit hit the fan. So, State Patty’s? I’m interested.

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