

Author: Matt Sniegowski

About the Author

Matt Sniegowski

Matthew is a Junior majoring in Biological Engineering with a focus on Natural Resource Engineering. He is from Fairfax, VA, or "just outside of DC". To contact Matthew, send an email to or message him on twitter @m_sniegowski.


Take The First Step: Matthew Sniegowski’s Senior Column

"If you had told Fall 2016 me that I'd be traveling the country taking pictures of Penn State football as the head visual staffer for the most-followed student-run media outlet in the world, I'd probably nervously laugh and shit a brick at the thought of it."

[Photo Story] Candlelight Vigil Honors New Zealand Mosque Shooting Victims

Members of the Penn State community gathered on Tuesday to honor the victims of last week's Christchurch mosque shootings in New Zealand.

Student Life

[Photo Story] Fall Foliage Around Campus

Enjoy the beautiful fall foliage of Penn State's campus before all the leaves make way for winter.


[Photo Story] Happy Holidays In State College

These holiday views are just another reason we love Happy Valley.

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