

Author: Phroth

About the Author


Phroth has served as Penn State's place for humor in a variety of capacities, names, and mediums, since 1909.

You probably recognize Phroth as the architect behind highly-regarded publications Phroth Magazine and the Daily Phollegian.

Guy Wearing Shorts in Cold Weather “Absolute Badass”

Humpday Humor: A brave man wearing shorts in the 24-degree Centre County weather becomes Penn State celebrity, now known as 'Shorts Guy,' for displaying badassery while walking around on campus. Read more of the hilarity after the jump.

Phollegian Hits The Newsstands

The Valentine's edition of the Phollegian is out. Stop by any of our racks in Osmond, Willard, Thomas, Forum or the HUB and pick up a copy.

Willard Preacher Gets Fushigi Magic Gravity Ball

Gary Cattell, commonly known as the Willard Preacher to the students of Penn State, wowed onlookers last Wednesday after delivering a sermon while using a Fushigi Magic Gravity Ball.

“Winter Break Was Good” Reports Everyone Everywhere

A satirical article by Pat Feehan of the Penn State humor magazine, Phroth.

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