We virtually sat down with Pathickal to learn more about her time in UPUA, her favorite Penn State memories, and her go-to Wawa order.
The PASS statement also urges university administrators to explore ways to support students and families who would be under financial strain in order to return to campus for these in-person celebrations.
We spoke with the new student body president Zach McKay, and heard from him speak on some of plans for the university, as well as his favorite Creamery flavor.
The first meeting of UPUA's 15th Assembly was held virtually on Wednesday night, and ran for over seven hours, making it the longest general assembly meeting on record.
"Beauty is just so much more than what you look like...No one or no circumstance or no authority or no media can tell you what beauty is."
The 2020 UPUA Elections certainly had its fair share of creative write-in candidates, so we're here to share them with you.