

Author: Tyler Hoy

About the Author

Schlow Library Hosts Underground Artisan Marketplace

The Underground Artisans Marketplace (UAM) held its alternative arts and crafts show on Saturday afternoon at the Schlow Centre County Library. Previously held at Chronic Town, the Artisans moved to Schlow for the first time to increase exposure to the community.

Essence of Joy Spring Concert Set For Sunday

Penn State’s Essence of Joy will present their spring concert in Esber Recital Hall in Music Building 1 on Sunday from 2-4 p.m. The musical offering will commemorate the choir's 20th anniversary and the 60th birthday of director Dr. Anthony Leach.

Baseball Team Takes Two of Three From Illinois

After having a mid-week contest against Kent State cancelled, the Nittany Lion baseball team took two games out of three from Illinois in their home opening weekend. The weekend also marked the beginning of Big Ten play for the squad as they ran their season record to (17-8). In the home opener that began Big […]

Jeffrey Miron Discusses Drug Legalization

Dr. Jeffrey A. Miron, Economics professor at Harvard University, spoke about the legalization of drugs in America at the Willard building last night. Miron advocates drug legalization and has been researching it for 15 years.

The United States spends $41 billion each year on prohibition enforcement and forgoes $47 billion in tax dollars. Drug arrests account for 13 percent of all arrests. Miron proposes that the government legalize all drugs and tax them just like an everyday commodity.

Miron argued that drug laws in America are ineffective and that only harm comes from prohibition. Underground markets can’t use the legal system to solve disputes, therefore they resort to violence. Not to mention underground societies don’t exactly pay their taxes.

Baseball Team Continues Success

The Nittany Lion baseball team finished off the week going 3-1 despite having their mid-week contest against Pittsburgh canceled due to weather conditions.

PSU Bike Share Offers Rentals Free Of Charge

Have you ever wanted a quicker way to class than walking or taking the bus? Or have you ever wanted cruise down the sidewalk like you own it with complete disregard to pedestrians? If so, Penn State’s bike share is for you.

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