

Onward State Stories: A Young Conservative

Sam Settle is a freshman political science major who wasted no time this fall getting involved with the conservative groups on campus. He campaigned for John McCain in addition to joining up with College Republicans and Young Americans for Freedom. He also seems to be the go-to conservative for Collegian reporters. (That might partially be due to the tremendous amount of letters Sam sends to the editor each week…)

From his omnipresent political buttons and outspoken manner, you might expect him to be a party-line cheerleader; yet in reality, his worldview is surprisingly nuanced. He does more than just hold beliefs– he has an understanding of the political philosophy that predicates those beliefs.

We have a series of four videos about Sam. We will be posting one per day until Sunday. Think of it as our homebrewed multimedia distraction for you during the ultimate weekend of the semester.

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Creator of @OnwardState. Big fan of sweaters.

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