

Day: November 19, 2008

Woolly Mammoths Alive and Well?

Yes folks. The woolly mammoth, that elephantine beast with flowing hair that last walked the Earth during the last Ice Age, could be making a comeback in the near future. Recent work by Penn State biochemistry professor Stephan Schuster has aided the cause by determining most of the genetic code of the famed mammoth. But […]

Can Penn State opt out of the Rose Bowl?

We don’t aspire to be a Penn State football blog. (If you want that, check here, here, and here.) But we found this Q&A with the Post-Gazette’s Ron Musselman interesting. Someone named Marc asked Ron if Penn State could opt out of the Rose Bowl to play in the Fiesta or Sugar Bowl. Here’s Ron’s […]

Letter Questions Pfister’s Piece

On Monday, the Collegian published a column by Ryan Pfister arguing that the University Park Allocation Committee (UPAC) was still the best option for distributing the money collected through the $74 fee students pay each semester (the Student Activities Fee). The beauty of UPAC is that it’s organized around rules, rather than people. UPAC doesn’t […]

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