

Day: December 19, 2008

Class of 2013 Groups Hijacked, PSU’s Safe

SquarePegged broke a very interesting story this week. That blog uncovered that College Prowler, a publisher of college guidebooks, has been creating and administering the Class of 2013 Facebook groups for a number of different colleges. College Prowler hired a number of interns this fall for a ‘Facebook Marketing Internship,’ that was unpaid. The general […]

Sleet, not Snow, in State College

Penn State woke this morning to find that campus was covered in a rather unpleasant snow and ice slurry. Though many students have already left State College, a good number still remain. Unfortunately, the weather conditions have upset some travel plans, specifically buses headed north. Weather Underground, the great weather information site founded by Bill […]

Penn State Live Trivia

So you think you know everything there is to know about the Pennsylvania State University? Well, just in time for the end of finals, the folks over at Penn State Live have another test for you. The test requires you to answer twelve quirky questions. Worst of all, there’s no way for you to prepare. […]

Collegian Allows Comments… Sort of

The Daily Collegian has begun allowing readers to comment on its blogs. This interaction between writer and reader is standard on most other blogs, OS included. Reader commenting makes the blog responsible for its content because readers who think a post is questionable can share their opinion and post links to information that substantiates their […]

Green Man: Party Hard, Study Hard

As many of you know, Green Man knows how to party. What you may not know, though, is that, despite being a certified party animal, Green Man has finals, just like all of us. So what does Green Man do when he needs to study? He goes to the Pattee Library, of course! Click inside […]
