

Day: February 19, 2009

Overheard on Twitter

What do you guys think? Do you have the sniffles? Feeling ill? Do you “has the Flu”? Update: has this cool page that shows the incidence of the flu across the country based on how often flu-related searches are typed into the Google search box. You can look at the country as a whole […]

Don’t let the door hit ya…

Anybody still looking for a place to live next semester? The Daily Collegian and the Centre Daily Times are both reporting in late online editions today that Beta Theta Pi, the on-campus fraternity which was “suspended until further notice” last week, has been officially disbanded and will be forced to evacuate their 220 N. Burrowes […]

Getting ready for THON, reading the documents

This is a collection of interesting facts we’ve come across about THON. According to this passage from the THON Rulebook, THON groups aren’t allowed to ask any businesses in the area for money. I wonder how much this actually happens… 2.1.4    Solicitation of Local (Centre County) Companies: No group may solicit Centre County or State […]

The Natty Nittany

Meshal.  Photographed in the HUB. This freshman epitomizes this column.  Coming all the way from Kuwait, he has a strong appreciation for fashion – something he’s not shy about either.  It’s ironic that he has a better grasp of the “All-American” look than most United States natives.  The white oxford/cardigan combination is a timeless classic […]

Your Thon Identification Guide

Thon is a technicolor philanthropic extravaganza, and we’re really excited for it. We’re going to be pumping out a lot of coverage this weekend, so check us out often! For those of you who are going to the BJC this weekend, we’ve prepared a simple identification guide for you. During Thon weekend, volunteers wear different […]

How Gumby’s Makes Pokey Stix

So this is how they make Pokey Stix… The simplicity of the video gives it a nice zen quality. The only noise is natural sound and the only action is the guy making the Pokey Stix. Unfortunately, we can’t embed the video on the site because because the Collegian’s video system doesn’t support it. Maybe […]

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