

Day: March 5, 2009

Bro Call: The Ideal Spring Break Fling

The time is upon us, Brodeo Clowns. Spring break officially starts tomorrow (although I haven’t gone to class in 2 weeks, so it’s already started for me!), which means a cruise, booze, and cool dudes. Of course, there will also be more hot babes than you can shake a hackeysack at. So, you must be […]

Nittany Lions Topple No. 23 Illinois

Talor Battle puts Penn State ahead by one with .3 seconds left, the Bryce Jordan Center court is stormed, and a delusional sports blogger pats himself on the back for his attempt at inspiring rhetoric. Stanley Pringle put forth a great effort in the 64-63 win, accounting for 20 points and went 4 for 4 […]

The Natty Nittany

Caitlin.  Photographed Outside of Sackett. Say hello to Spring break!  Just because the weather is still a little chilly, that doesn’t mean that we can’t start preparing for the warm weather to come.  This is a nice business-casual style outfit that, while may be a little cold in recent weather, will be perfect come March […]

Who Watches the Watchmen, and Where?

Doomsday nears and Watchmen approaches its midnight-hour premiere. Along with a group of friends, I’ll be going to see it tonight at the College 9 way up on North Atherton, dressed as my favorite character – I just hope theater management doesn’t mind that I’m hairless and blue. Oh, and also naked. The thing is, […]

Final Men’s Basketball Home Game

Here’s a promo video someone made for the final men’s basketball game, courtesy of @Nittany_Nation. If you are done with mid-terms, head on over to the BJC tonight to see Penn Sate take on Illinois. The game starts at 9:00 pm.
