

Day: December 10, 2009

Defining “Furnishing”

The two fraternities involved in the Joe Dado case headed to court yesterday over charges of furnishing alcohol. Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji) and Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) have already been suspended by the IFC, and now they are facing criminal charges as well. Apparently, their case is based on the definition of furnishing. For ATO, […]

Can’t Get to Google on Campus? ITS Wants to Know!

Have you been unable to access Google websites on campus during the past few weeks? Well, you’re not alone. Students all over campus have had intermittent access to the ubiquitous search engine. ITS is aware of the problem and is looking into it. Marcus Robinson, Director of ITS Marketing and Communication, said that ITS has […]

Penn State Appropriation: No Dice

Last night, Penn State came very close to actually getting money from the State Legislature, held up since October. Unfortunately, the House adjourned at 11 pm before the body could vote on the proposed legislation. Much of the time spent in debate was tied up in wrangling and parliamentary procedure tricks. Those interested in a […]

Delta Upsilon Returns!

This coming Sunday (December 13th), 14 new members will be initiated into the Penn State chapter of Delta Upsilon. This new membership reinstates the chapter at Penn State after the chapter’s alumni corporation closed the fraternity this past summer due to party violations. On July 28, 2009, the members of Delta Upsilon were officially evicted […]

Keep Your Goals to Yourself!

As the dreaded week of finals is quickly approaching… everyone must be feeling anxious, nervous and overwhelmed! Study, Study, Study, but don’t tell anyone your goals for finals week! According to NYU psychologists and a blog, talking about your goals make them less likely to happen. Apparently, announcing your goals gives you a “premature sense of […]

All Streaked Out

Penn State student Christopher Ferry is suing the university and multiple police officers. Why, you ask? I’ll give you a hint: it involves the Mifflin Streak (don’t know what this is? Check out our coverage from last year’s Streak). “Ah,” says you, “he must have been traumatized by the naked bodies, right?” No, that would […]

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