

Author: Megan

About the Author

Chasing Butterflies

Two senior lecturers from the the College of Communications, Maura Shea and her husband Rod Bingaman, have produced a film called Chasing Butterflies ,coming to DVD December 22. This film  follows a run-away bride, Nina (Amy Brienes). Her mother (Maria Cellario) shockingly winds up marring the groom (Gabriel Vaughan) in her place, then the two newly-weds hit […]

Keep Your Goals to Yourself!

As the dreaded week of finals is quickly approaching… everyone must be feeling anxious, nervous and overwhelmed! Study, Study, Study, but don’t tell anyone your goals for finals week! According to NYU psychologists and a blog, talking about your goals make them less likely to happen. Apparently, announcing your goals gives you a “premature sense of […]

Big Contributors

Did you know that there are over 4,000 international students currently enrolled at Penn State? Amazingly, there are also about 200,400 international students currently enrolled in universities across America today. These students play a major roll in today’s economy. Annually, NAFSA: Association of International Educators calculates the economic impact of international students and their dependents on […]

Professor Profile: Dr. Frank Clemente

Professor Profile is a new feature here at Onward State where we find interesting professors at Penn State, talk with them, and share their stories. Do you know an interesting professor that would make for a great Professor Profile? Send us an email at [email protected] and let us know! Are you interested in current social […]

Oh Baby! Go PSU!

If you didn’t already know, there’s a section of filled with the most adorable pictures of little fans, called “Big Ten Kids.” Most of these pictures are infants and toddlers all decked out in cutest outfits to support their favorite teams ( or their parents’ favorite teams)! If you have any photos of your […]

You Can Be a Lion Ambassador Too!

Good news…. the Lion Ambassadors are now holding a recruitment session in efforts to attract new members and are accepting applications from now until December 11th! If you did not already know, the Lion Ambassadors serve as our Student Alumni Corps, founded in the early 1980’s.  Their main goals are to communicate Penn State’s history […]

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