

Day: February 5, 2010

Oh I Wish I Were…

In case you've been living under a rock for the past couple of days, the Wienermobile is here on campus. Or I should say one of the Wienermobiles is here (there are 6 total). The 20-foot long hot dog is in town to recruit new Hotdoggers, the recent graduates who drive the vehicles around the country. Every year, around 1,500 people apply to become Hotdoggers and twelve are chosen. Penn State has been pretty successful in getting graduates into the program, with a Penn State grad being part of the program almost every year. This year there are 2 Penn State grads in the program. One of them, Mary Kate DeCoursey (Class of '09) is here with her colleague John Dobson (from the University of Missouri) to hold an information session for interested parties. I was able to sit down with them yesterday and ask them a few questions about their experiences driving a giant hot dog around the country.

Want to see what hard-hitting questions I ask these Hotdoggers? Read on to find out!

The STATEtorialist: Window Shop…And Then Go Online

The STATEtorialist is a blog about Penn State, college sports, and fashion. Every week, Ben from The STATEtorialist will be writing a column for Onward State. If you like what you read, be sure to comment and read more at The STATEtorialist!

Every time I pass by Harper's men's clothing store on College Ave., I look at the same item in the window, but never walk in and peruse the store, because from word of mouth I know there's nothing in there that's really affordable. Well I finally inquired about the price of the Lambswool Penn State "S" sweater that's been in their window for as long as I can remember. Turns out it's $158. Needless to say, us college kids are strapped for cash. And when I say strapped for cash, I mean the selling your plasma and working jobs we hate kind of strapped.

So what are the fashionistos and fashionistas of Happy Valley to do when it comes to looking good and saving money? Read on to find out.

Staff Profile: Noah Simmons

The Staff Profile series is a new feature at Onward State. Each Friday, we will provide a window into the life of one Onward Stater. Readers: meet our writers.

Though a relatively new addition to the Onward State writing staff, Noah Simmons has brought sarcasm, snark, and snide to his posts. A straight-shooting maverick who calls it as he sees it, Noah isn't afraid to ask the tough questions.

Noah graduated from high school at the prestigious Upper St. Clair High School, 20 minutes south of Pittsburgh. A sophomore, he's currently between majors, though is contemplating Forest Science, and he hopes to one day be a certified lumberjack. Until then, he plans to attend law school after graduating.

Noah passes his time at University Park being involved in Mock Trial, Penn State's sailing team, and being the founder of Penn State's Odyssey of the Mind team. Noah is a member of Schreyer Honors College. In his free time, he enjoys reading, HUB naps, contemplating world domination, and putting off school work.

Noah is currently a programmer for the NC2IF project in the College of IST. During the summer, he teaches sailing in Canada and works on his tan.
