

Extra, Extra, Read All About It

Yesterday, the Collegian wrote an article discussing the widespread use of Facebook at Penn State. The article discussed how popular Facebook is on campus, and how the Penn State fan page is used to deliver alerts to students (today it’s being primarily for students to complain about classes not being canceled).

Come on, Collegian, this is breaking news? It’s not 2006, EVERYONE has a Facebook, and in all aspects of life it’s become common practice to use Facebook as a means of communication. It must have been a slow news day when they had to resort to running this deprecated social commentary. If only a local Congressman had died, or there’d been a massive snow storm, or a White House aide had mocked Sarah Palin. Oh wait.

Read on to find out what other “breaking” news stories the Collegian could have run…

  • Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
  • Swine flu hits America!
  • Penn State football loses to USC in Rose Bowl
  • Apple introduces iPhone
  • Kurt Cobain, dead at 27
  • Berlin Wall falls, Cold War over
  • U.S. puts man on moon!
  • America declares independence!
  • Printing press invented!

The point is, it seems like a bit of a waste to have a perfectly capable writer discuss the social impact of something that has become completely integrated into our lives in the last few years. What do you think? Is this newsworthy?

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About the Author

Noah Simmons

Noah is an International Politics major minoring in French. Noah participates in the Mock Trial team, the Sailing Team, and is the president/founder of the Odyssey of the Mind club. Besides pushing the limit of what is journalistically acceptable, Noah enjoys long walks on the beach and football. In a previous lifetime he was William Wallace

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