Summer Internship Credit 101

So you managed to get an internship this summer? You know that you can put that to some good use other than resumé enhancing–why not get some credit for it? I decided to break down (by academic college) how you can get class credits for your internship.
Liberal Arts: The College of Liberal Arts says you can get credit for almost any internship. Just contact your faculty adviser or your department’s internship contact. If you haven’t settled on a major, you can contact Ashley Tarbet with any questions.
Eberly College of Science: For the Eberly College of Science, you must complete and hand in an application for internship credit form to the Science Career & International Education Office in 108 Whitmore Laboratory. Once you have been approved for credit, you will be registered for the appropriate course (SC 294 or SC 494) by the staff in the Science Career & International Education Office. You must register for this course proactively (i.e. before summer semester; you can’t add the internship after the summer semester has started). Once the internship and summer are over, you will need to submit the appropriate SC 294 or SC 494 work report, evaluations, and any additional course assignments to earn a grade (pass/fail) for the course.
Smeal College of Business: Students in the Smeal College of Business must report the internship to our office and complete an Internship Acceptance Form. This registration must be completed before the internship or during the regular drop/add period. Students may not register for BA395A after completing the internship. The office will register students for BA395A (optional for summer internships). At the end of the internship, the employer will conduct a performance review and assign a grade based on performance. The intern will have to complete a form provided by the office for the purpose of reviewing and assessing the experience.
Information Sciences and Technology: IST students who do not find internships through Compass or the Penn State Career Days need to get approval from the College of Information Sciences and Technology Career Solutions office (You must be performing 300 hours to receive credit). You can email the Internship Coordinator at telling them name of the company, contact, location, and a brief description of the duties involved in the internship. Next, you must register for IST 495 by emailing the Coordinator–do this the same semester you start. During the course of your internship, your supervisor will need to complete a series of evaluation forms.
Education– The College of Education requires students to complete at least six credit hours of internship in at least two different areas. The College of Education has perhaps the strictest requirements for internships as the experience it provides it crucial to your future job. Students must complete at least seven hours a week (for 15 weeks) of on-site work in addition to the CSA 595 course work requirements.
Engineering: Based on your graduate status and number of previous internships/co-ops, Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations staff will register you for the appropriate co-op or internship course. Engineering students can earn one credit per semester for internships and between one and three credits for a co-op.
Earth and Mineral Sciences: Refer to the separate departmental websites, as it varies within the college.
Health and Human Development: One semester before beginning and internship, College of Health and Human Development students must complete the course HDFS 490(i f you are planning on a child life internship, it’s two semesters prior) for two credits. After completing this course with a C or better, you can begin your internship; this is done for nine credits under the HDFS 495A course. HDFS 495B is taken in conjunction with 495A for three credits. Students will complete the Organizational Analysis, Policy Analysis, and Personal Development papers based on information and experience gathered at your internship. Generally, you will work as a full-time professional (a minimum of 35 hours a week) for the semester. Even though you will spend one semester away from the University, you will be expected to enroll as a full-time student and pay full tuition. All internship sites must be approved and must have completed an Affiliation Agreement. HHD students must have professional liability insurance for their internships
Communications: College of Communication students must complete an Internship Prospect Form and an Internship Application. Most internships are for three credits, which is the maximum number of internship credits a College of Communications major may acquire, regardless of the number of internships served. Approximately 200 hours of internship experience are required for three credits, with proportionately fewer hours for fewer credits.
Arts and Architecture:
Visual Arts– Art students are not required to do internships, but may seek them with the support of faculty. Internships are reviewed for appropriate application to degree requirements on a case-by-case basis, so contact your personal adviser.
Architecture– Summer architecture internships last five weeks and are limited to students with three years in the architecture department. Summer internships are voluntary and taken for elective credit. Unlike other colleges, firms are required to reimburse students for the cost of tuition incurred by registering to receive credit. After the internship is over, firms will be asked to evaluate student’s performance and assign a grade of pass/fail. Students will also be asked to evaluate the firm where they worked.
Agricultural Sciences: Contact Denise Conelly for more information.
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